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Whether you are a frequent traveler who loves country hopping regularly or a first-time visitor - if your next destination is USA, this blog is a must-read for you.

The thrill and excitement you experience just before visiting an unexplored land cannot be expressed in words. But first things first - when you say your goodbyes to your loved ones, you definitely want to assure them that you will talk to them pretty soon. And that’s exactly when you need to get a tourist SIM card in USA if you don’t have it already.

What is a travel SIM card?

Simply put, it is a far more flexible option than a local SIM card, especially for those who love globetrotting and are always on the go.

A travel SIM allows you to connect to a local network in multiple countries around the world. With a travel SIM, you can get rid of additional roaming fees that your local operator or carrier may charge when you are abroad.

There are two types of SIM cards for international travel available in the market - a prepaid SIM card and a postpaid SIM card. While the benefits of owning a postpaid card are usually spoken of, very few people know and understand that a prepaid card gives you the much-needed flexibility you desire when exploring a foreign land.

Lyca Mobile is one of the most trusted prepaid SIM card providers in the US and can certainly cater to your unique needs. You can pre-order a Lyca Mobile SIM card online and it will be delivered at your doorstep on arrival. Are you a digital savvy person constantly sharing travel updates on social media? Check out Lyca Mobile Unlimited Data Plans. Are you more of an international caller having friends and family across the globe, glance through the best international calling offers on Lyca Mobile.

If you are still thinking over, listed below are the top 5 benefits of owning a prepaid SIM card in USA for tourists.

1.Highly customizable

Prepaid SIM cards are highly customizable and give you the freedom to select a plan as per your requirement. Looking for more data and less minutes, or maybe vice versa? Need a monthly pack or quarterly pack for business travel? The choice is all yours. You can select the most appropriate plan as per your needs.

2.Reasonably affordable

Prepaid plans are cheaper compared to postpaid plans in the same category. So, if you are moving on a budget while you’re on a short trip, getting a prepaid SIM card is the best option. It allows you to pay only for the services you have pre-selected without incurring any hidden or additional charges levied for using a service that is not included in your mobile plan.

3.Easy to use

Best prepaid SIM cards in USA offer one thing for sure, and that’s ease of use. It’s very simple - you get what you pay for. Not just that, you can even pause the service for a short while and then restart again at a later date. When you’re traveling abroad and have finalized your place of stay, you can even get the SIM delivered at your doorstep on arrival. All you need to do is register for it online a couple of days in advance.

4.Highly accessible customer support

This is one of the often ignored benefits that come along when you purchase a tourist SIM card in USA. If there is a service or connectivity issue, the solution is just a call away. The customer support agents are available 24/7. They are capable of handling enormous volumes of queries and usually offer a solution in minutes.

5.Perfect for limited service needs

Prepaid SIM cards come to your rescue when you have limited or very specific service needs. Just need mobile data for a couple of days? There are data-only plans. Want a tourist SIM card in USA for calling only? There are unlimited calling plans. And in case your requirement changes after a while, you can also opt for a different plan at the end of your current plan.

To sum it up, if you are a frequent international traveler, a travel SIM will make your trip easy, affordable, and convenient as it offers you full control over your usage and spend.  While an international SIM card is a must-have, here’s a checklist of things you must carry and should not carry on your trip to USA.

What to carry
  • Passport and passport size photos
  • Pen to fill any form
  • Seasonal clothing
  • Mobile phone
  • Laptop
  • Camera
  • Portable charger and travel adapter
  • Earphones and eye mask
  • Travel pillow
  • Skincare products
  • Medications
  • To reduce the excess weight of your bag, consider wearing one of your heavier jackets, shoes, and fashion accessories while boarding the plane.
  • Keep your on the go essentials above all the items in your handbag so that you don’t have to unpack everything for one little thing you need.
  • Get a bag that is easy to carry, durable, and light in weight. A trolley bag is preferable instead of a bulky suitcase.
  • Keep a check on the expensive items in your hand luggage, such as a laptop and camera, just to avoid any unnecessary damage.

What not to carry

  • Handcuffs
  • Knife
  • Scissors
  • Weapons
  • Aerosols
  • Firecrackers
  • Don’t carry unnecessary electronic items; carry only the important ones. If you are on a family vacation, don’t carry along your work laptop.
  • Don’t pack a lot of jewelery. It may add up to the weight of your luggage. Instead, wear it.
  • Don’t keep any sharp objects as they are not allowed in most flights.
  • Don’t carry lots of cash with you. Cash can be easily withdrawn whenever you need it.
  • Don’t carry soap, shampoos, toiletries, and deodorants. You can easily buy all such items abroad.
  • Don’t pack heavy books. Books can cover a large volume in your bag, leaving little space for other important things.

Last but not the least, if you are going on a family vacation, enjoy your trip and make lots of memories and if you’re going on a business trip, make sure you have productive days ahead. Feed your soul with moments that matter and if you miss your loved ones, remember they are just a call away. So, don’t forget to get one of the best prepaid SIM cards in USA for tourists.

Travel safe and remember…

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”

- Saint Augustine
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